
Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog. Mostly this is a record of my journey- through what exactly
I do not know yet, so for now we will just say: Life- and all that comes with it.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Hate the Sin, Not the Sinner

I hate sin. I hate sin because it tears people and families apart. I hate sin because it hurts people. Most of all I hate sin because God hates sin. God called us to live here in this sinful world, but to be set apart. I love all people, or at least I try to, trust me I'm not perfect. I love the saints who sin, and I most certainly love the sinners. No matter what their sin is.

I was once lost and without someone deciding that despite my state they should talk to me and show me the LOVE of Jesus I wouldn't be where I am today. Plant the seeds of love in their hearts. Make them wonder why you are different. Make them wonder why you don't look on them with shame or disgust like so many others do. Jesus didn't look at me or you and say, "look at this filthy person, how could I possibly associate with you."

Jesus looked at us and said, "I know all that you have done, all that you do, and all that you will do, I know more about your depraved state than you yourself know, but I LOVE you anyways, I choose you, you are MINE." Treat people as Jesus first treated you. Show them love and mercy.

My hope and prayer for all Christians is that they would first consider how Jesus dealt with them, before dealing with sinners. We were all sinners once and without Jesus showing us that same grace we wouldn't be saints today. (When I say saints I do not mean that we are without sin, but that we are out of sin, forgiven. We will still sin and fall short, but we repent and are forgiven. Rather than people who live in sin-sinners, we are saints who sin.)