
Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog. Mostly this is a record of my journey- through what exactly
I do not know yet, so for now we will just say: Life- and all that comes with it.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Reflections of a well traveled soul

It has been quite some time since my last post. I had a crazy few months. There was the month of planning (March), the month of travel (April), the month of moving (May), and we are now closing the month of the career change (June).

For March, planning may sound like a bad excuse for not writing but to be fair I was leaving April 16th on a 15 day trip to Spain and I thought I had to be moved into a new place before I left. So, between planning for the trip and figuring out my living situation I was quite busy.

Then we have April when I went to Spain with my dear friend Jessica. It was a positively marvelous experience, and I learned so much. I know some of you are thinking: 'you learned so much?!' but I am referring to something much more than museum knowledge. For example from the Playa de los Catedrales I learned what magnificent things God has made that man couldn't attempt, and how tiny I really am in this world.
From the many great people we met I learned what true hospitality, friendship, and kindness look like. The owners of this winery were kind enough to give us a tour even though they weren't really open. Private and free.
The owner of this restaurant in a tiny town in Northwestern Spain was kind enough to hide our luggage in a back room while we went to look at nearby sights.
This friend we made on the train to Barcelona gave us a walking tour of the city upon our arrival plus many helpful tips.
I learned that I like the countryside and rural areas much more than big cities, and I learned that I am more relaxed with the Word of God in front of me than anything else. Well I don't want to bore you with too much learning here, but the point is that I learned and perhaps even grew.

Which brings us to May, the month of moving. Our dear landlord gave us a month rent free if we could be out by the end of May, which was before our lease was up. Quite a generous offer if you ask me. Though my roommates and I were sad to part ways we did have a good long run in that house, 22 months to be exact. I don't need to go into detail as to why that month was too crazy for a post because everyone knows what moving is like. I did however write a little something not long after I returned from Spain:
I have been to many places and seen many things,
but only one thing have I found to be worthy of singing.

My soul has weathered the depths of caves,
the dreaded darkness, and the fearful unknown.
It has risen with the dawn, climbed the highest mountains,
and soared on wings like eagles.
But only one thing have I found it can never be without. 

Amidst my greatest troubles there is one thing that I need:
when I find myself clinging to the cross I am not found wanting.
The title of this post actually came from when I wrote this short piece as well. I don't want it to seem cliche that after my world travels I feel more fulfilled than ever in my relationship with Christ, because I don't think it stemmed from the travel itself, but more from the amount of time I was able to spend in reflection on my relationship with Him and in His Word. Frankly through all the ups and downs life brings the only thing that has stayed consistent is Christ's love for me. Where would I be without Him by my side?

Finally we arrive at June, which is almost over. I started a new job on June 3rd, I am now the "community liaison" (i.e. marketer) for a care giving company. For those who aren't familiar with all the differences between caregivers, home health, and hospice, I won't bore you with the details. Suffice to say I love my new line of work. Marketing is all about relationships, connections, planning, and organizing. Those of you know know me well I think you would agree that this is right up my alley. The first month was pretty crazy, just trying to get my feet under me, but I think I'm off to a good beginning, and I am excited to see where God is taking me.

For now I hope this is a sufficient explanation for my extended absence, and hopefully a good starting point to stay more on top of it.

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