
Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog. Mostly this is a record of my journey- through what exactly
I do not know yet, so for now we will just say: Life- and all that comes with it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Busy, busy bee

     It's funny how life seems to ebb and flow just as the tides of the mighty oceans. Even with a job that has steady unchanging hours somehow I find myself in slow periods with plenty of extra time, or like now a time of zero free time and way too much to do. Well that might be a bit of an exaggeration, I don't think I ever actually have "plenty of extra time," but you know what I mean. So in the spirit of not having much extra time lately, I also will not take up too much of yours. On a bittersweet sweet note, this will be the last blog with pictures taken on my old camera because (drum roll please) I got a brand spanking new beauty (Nikon D5100) and am quite excited to capture the world with a new sense of wonder and joy (or just through a new lens)! So without further delay, here are the last photos I wanted to share with the world taken from my newly retired camera.

Photos of the Day:

 I've been playing with the idea of reflections, and I love the way that the beauty of nature is held in a piece of technology here. I was actually working on my bible study sitting on the back porch when I glanced at my phone and noticed how beautiful the sky looked behind me. Little moments.

Quote of the Day:

"Do not pay attention to every word people say, or you may hear your servant cursing you - for you know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others." Ecclesiastes 7:21-22

I like this quote for the two simple messages I believe it conveys, first that what other people say is not what matters. Second, don't be hypocritical, it is easier to point out the speck in another person's eye than to realize there's one in yours. Be forgiving when someone does or says something hurtful and remember that you have done hurtful things too and it is not your place to judge others.

Exercise Note of the Day:

On Saturday I ran a Mighty Mudder Dash - a 5k run with obstacle courses, and it's all through mud. I had so much fun and it got me back into the swing of things! I absolutely cannot wait to do more.

1 comment:

  1. I love those pictures Charlotte! (Especially the fence one.) Even so... I can't wait to see the ones from your new camera!
    Post some ASAP!

    Caraline C :)
