
Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog. Mostly this is a record of my journey- through what exactly
I do not know yet, so for now we will just say: Life- and all that comes with it.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Swing of Things

     Don't ask, because in truth I do not know where inspiration comes from - except from God. As a slight need to know fact about me: I am a nanny of four wonderful (well, let's not say wonderful, because let's face it they aren't always wonderful) adorable boys. My boys are 4, 2, and 5 month twins. 
     So a few days ago one of the twins was incredibly cranky and wouldn't sleep. The only place that made him happy was to sit on the porch swing with me and just sway gently back and forth. At first I was a little frustrated that he wasn't feeling inclined to sleep during his normal nap time, but then I realized how few opportunities I have to just hold one baby and swing. Any parent of multiple children would probably agree that to only have one of four children not sleeping is quite an accomplishment in itself anyways. 
     As I sat there swinging him I took in all of my wonderful surroundings, and just cherished the moment. So holding a happy cuddly baby I swung and enjoyed the beauty God had laid out for me. My first natural desire when I discover something of beauty is to photograph it, but I realized that you wouldn't be able to hear the sweet song being played for me. So I both wrote a poem (which I still don't feel does the scene justice) and took pictures.

The Swing of Things

The gentle breeze blows your hair.
Distant bird chirps fill the air.
The sun shines brightly through the trees.
Can you hang with the swing of things?

As we sway on so tenderly, 
the chains play a peaceful melody,
added to the song of the rustling leaves.
Can you hang with the swing of things?

The soft white wood hugs you close.
And warm spring air tickles your nose.
Each breath you take brings deeper bliss.
Can you hang with the swing of things?

Needless to say this is one of my favorite new places. A great example of what can happen if you slow down and take the time to appreciate the beautiful things God has put on the earth for us (which was my New Years resolution). So appreciative that God has given me these eyes to appreciate the world constantly displaying His glory and singing His praise!

Verses of the Day:

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge. 
There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the end of the world.
Psalm 19:1-4

Exercise Note of the Day:

I was supposed to run today in preparation for my 5k in 2 weeks, but unfortunately I have been experiencing some fairly severe ankle pain, so at the advice of some of my dear friends I took today off. I have some other work outs planned through Tuesday, then I will take Wednesday off and run next Thursday. At this point I'm just trying to balance rest with time to prepare. That will provide me with another week to be ready for the 5k, and since my last run was 3.4 miles I think I will be just fine. I did order some new ankle braces so hopefully those will help - when they arrive!

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